Chris Bidwell


Welcome to, the professional site for Chris Bidwell. If you don't find what you're looking for, please contact me at the address below.

About Chris Bidwell

Born in Manchester, England in 1984, I am a passionate computer scientist (with a BSc Hons to prove it) currently living and working in London, England.


Technology, computer and information security, enterprise networks, scalable infrastructure design and application. Mobile, embedded and high-performance computing, computer graphics and application development.


Occasionally I write something that might be of use to others, and when I do I put it up at

Curriculum Vitae

The most recent version of my CV can be located here. If you are interested in the contents in a professional capacity, please feel free to contact me to request a full copy without omissions. Rest assured that the only omissions made are to protect my privacy; I am not attempting to mislead.

Please And Thank You

I am considering new employment opportunities. Here are my please and thank yous.


I can be contacted by email: chris (at) If you need to talk to me in person or on the phone, please email me.

Please accept my apologies if my response to your email is delayed. Due to the nature of my work, I get very little opportunity to deal with personal email.

All content is copyright Chris Bidwell unless otherwise stated. Please respect my property.